Published onMonday, August 1, 2022First post and first run of trainingfitnesstechrunninghalf-marathonToday marks the first post as well as my first day of training for two half-marathons
Published onTuesday, August 2, 2022Embrace the slowrunninghalf-marathonSlow running is hard but so good for you.
Published onThursday, August 4, 2022Four Days in a Rowrunninghalf-marathonLongest Running streak in a row
Published onMonday, August 8, 2022One Week down, 13 to gorunninghalf-marathonFinished the firs week of half-marathon training and on to week two!
Published onWednesday, August 10, 2022Dig Deep and keep goingfitnessrunninghalf-marathonToday was rough I wanted to quit but I kept going now I want to nap